At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Attendance Policy
Attendance Procedures
Contact our Attendance Office at with any questions.
Important Notes
- Attendance procedures will be paperless this year to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please make sure your current email is on file with the school and bring a cell phone when reporting to OLHS to access the QR code at our security desk.
- Early Release requests must be submitted by 7:20 a.m. each day
- Attendance procedures - Absences can be emailed to or a note can be submitted to the attendance office. No calls for absences.
Classroom Attendance
Students are expected to attend all classes. The teacher is responsible for taking attendance during the first 15 minutes of each class.
Teachers will:
- Take attendance in Synergy
- Any student who arrives less than 15 minutes late to class is marked tardy. (TE or TU)
- Any student who missed class is marked absent. (UNV)
Note: Tardies will be subject to school discipline guidelines.
Excused Absences Accepted by VBCPS Policy Include:
- illness/doctor or dental appointment
- Death in the family
- Religious holiday (reference School Board Policy 5-17 and Regulation 5-17.1)
- Pre-arranged absences/Other-approved by the principal
- Emergency conditions, i.e. fire, flood, or major storm
- School-sponsored/related activities
Note: Excused absences are for approved reasons with parent notification.
Unexcused Absences or Tardy Include:
- Overslept (student or parent/guardian)
- Car trouble
- Traffic -Unless the administration make an announcement
- Childcare, including siblings and family
- Weather-related - Unless the administration make an announcement
- Missed bus
- Over 5 parent notes for ‘illness’ without physician note
Students arriving late to school after 7:35 am must check in through the Attendance office. Students who are not feeling well at school must report to the clinic. For planned multi-day absences (i.e. vacation), at least a week prior, students need to submit the Pre-Approved Absence Request form requesting approval from the principal.
Reporting Absences
The parent/guardian must inform the attendance office with a note for the absence, late arrival, or doctor note by sending an email to or fax to the attendance office at 757.721.4309 within 3 days of the student returning to school.
Email Notes Should Include:
- the Student’s full name and grade level
- date of notification
- date of absence/attendance issue
- the reason for absence
- and contact phone number of parent/guardian.
Early Release
The parent or legal guardian of a junior or senior must complete the Early Release Request Form for Juniors and Seniors using an email account on file before 7:20 AM.
Important Notes:
- We recommend you do this the previous evening.
- Note should include:
- the student’s full name
- parent/guardian name
- and contact phone number to confirm early release time
- After 7:20 am requests for extenuating circumstances must be approved by the administration. Please email the attendance office at
9th & 10th Grade Students
- Parents must come into the building to sign students out at the security desk.
- Bring photo identification and a phone to use the QR code for paperless sign-out.
11th & 12th Grade Students
- Students under 18 may sign out and leave the campus only with parent permission.